I was in awe on Saturday night. I never thought something like this would happen to me. I came across the most cliche pick-up line ever.
Boy comes up to me, "Are you Apple?"
Me: umm. No.
Boy: Oh, sorry, cuz you look JUST like my friend Apple.
Me: Well no sorry I am not. (and then turn around to talk to my girlfriend)
Boy: Well my name is XXX. (I forgot)
Me: Susan.
Me: ................
I didn't know shit like this still existed. And after the boy left,
Friend: (shakes head) Oldschool.
Me: uh-huh.
You would think that they'd have the decency to atleast come up with a better name than Apple. But no. It's amazing.
Another weekend past... In the past 2 weeks I've had plenty of realizations which I haven't had the chance to write about. Some of these I will keep to myself, as I wouldn't want to disappoint people. But others, I will share:
#1 - A friend of mine is going to be producing a documentary on the emerging trend in Taiwan that single, successful women are unable to find up-to-par men. He will follow 3 types of women around town to find out WHY this is happening and HOW women are ever going to be able to find eligible bachelors in Taiwan, backed by statistics, interviews, and research studies. It's a legitimate documentary. I mean I would definitely watch it.
Makes me think of all the girls around me - all different yet incredible women. Well-educated, studied abroad, smart, capable, decent jobs, not slutty, pretty, good style...the list goes on. Why are we all single / not married?
Reminds me of the Sex and the City episode - Single and Fabulous? - I think not. Obviously, I am on Team Femme. A lot of the boys here, ABC or not, really need to check themselves. I've been back to Taiwan for 3 or so years, and here are types of men me and my girls have come across....
- Mr. Obsessed - "I think I am really falling for you" (after the 3rd date)
- Mr. Looks-super-good-on-paper-but-something-is-missing/wrong aka Mr. Shady - usually the liar
- Mr. Player - the cocky bastards.
- Mr. Nice Guy - booo no fun.
- Mr. Plain - the kind who orders plain cheese pizza at Pizza Hut or something hahaha
- Mr. Hit-on-anything - usually has nothing to offer, therefore nothing to lose, so hits on anything hoping to score a girlfriend.
Hmm... While thinking of all the misters, I had another thought - maybe WE (the girls) are the ones who are fucked. The above list does not give men the time of day! hHAHAAH... super cynical.
I'm sad now. Time for bed. Sleep my sorrows away.