Over the past 2 weekends I must have watched Sex and the City (The Movie) like 4 times, just because it's been on repeat on HBO.
My 2 favorite scenes:
1. Charlotte going buzzurk on Big after the cold-feet no-show.
2. When Charlotte has her baby shower, and the girls were all sitting together... "there it was, the 3 mirrors that Samantha could not avoid."
AMAZING chemistry amongst the 4 different characters, no matter how different they are. Others might tell you what you want to hear, but only true friends will provide honest insight. I am pretty confident that I have a handful of girls around me that will always be there to give me a slap in the face or a pat on the back when deserved, and I'd do the same thing for them, no matter how shitty the truth sounds.
Ever since I 'found' myself through the course of trial and many many errors, I haven't been afraid to speak my mind. I am definitely not afraid to own up to my actions.
Yes, ok, boy I was drunk. We made out. It's FINE. We don't have to pretend it never happened.
Yes, random guy, you are not my friend. I think you are a stalker. Go away. OK bye.
Yes, ex-bf, I think you are disrespectful and full of shit. OK bye.
Yes, I want to kick your ass because you made my mom cry, and I made sure I said it directly to you, and not hear it from someone else, so you know.
Yes, friend, I think you are trippin', and I think you should know from me before you hear it from some random.
Whatevers. It's COOL.
Life is so short, why live in denial?! No time for bullshit.
I will never take credit for something that I didn't do, nor will I do something I would not own up to.
I have many mirrors reflecting on me, as I am a mirror on others.
The critics that DO matter, I try to listen, absorb, and somewhat take into consideration. Bleh. I know I am a stubborn bull most of the time, but good or bad, I love hearing the honest truth. I value it actually. So, thanks mirrors for shovin' it in my face. I can take it, so bring it.
LUV those mirrors I can't avoid.