My place to rant & rave & bitch & moan.


"How come I don't see you out?"

Oh yea, before I climb into bed and attempt to dream about Canada, I just want to write about this conversation I had today with someone I met through work. NF (new friend): So how come I don't see u out? S: what do you mean out? like partying? like 18/primo/luxy/blah blah? NF: yea S: I used to. But I got tired. NF: Ok that's a legit excuse. Better than you saying you are a goodie girl. S: I think it's cuz of my job. Too much PR during the day, don't want to PR on my weekends and make small talk with people I hardly know or people I used to know. NF: I feel you. S: I feel for you too. I choose not to go, but you, you HAVE to go. What a bust. *note: NF is the founder of a new nightlife magazine. Life, is all about choices. I chose to be the person I am at this moment. I don't feel obligated to do anything I don't feel like doing, and I feel so in control and so confident knowing I have a choice. (So confident that I'm about to make myself jxxx). You know who's happy that I don't go partying as much? My feet appreciates not being caged in 4inch heels as often. But, I will have to imprison them soon, because a few days ago, I got these Fedexed to me. I think this whole entry was just an excuse to show off.. HAhhaHA who cares, this is my blog and no one reads it besides Nelson & Vince.
(note to myself - another CON about living in Taiwan.. there are no beautiful shoes here, and shipping is fucking expensive to order online. Yes, one more reason to remind myself to get out of here ASAP)
I will end it here with a very abrupt..... BB!

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