My place to rant & rave & bitch & moan.


Put a ring on it.

During my trip in Herzogenaurach, I have to say that many times I was extremely bored from listening to the same category presentations over & over again. A few times during these extremely long and repetitive meetings I would look around the room, checking out the fellow colleagues from all over the world - not just the boys, but the ladies as well. Checking out how they dressed themselves, whether they used an iPhone or a Blackberry - just simple little observations sparked by extreme boredom.
One day, I was bored and looking around the room as usual, and then I spotted a pretty handsome European colleague. He was clean cut & shaven in an extremely non-homosexual way, 30ish, and dressed perfectly (looked effortlessly put-together but enough to show that he had a sense of style). As I was admiring this beautiful being a few seats away, I glanced down to see a wedding band on his ring finger.
I wasn't disappointed. It wasn't like I was going to talk to him or anything. But I felt grey, if it makes any sense. I'm sure he was no more than 5 years older than me, and already married. So where would I stand in the SOPs of marriage? Step.... zero.
I don't want to get married, not right now anyway. But I am supposed to go down that route one day. Just feel a little behind.
So, the rest of th..........
(**ok it's 1:14am. I just received a text. I feel better knowing now knowing that I am thought about, but not that much better cuz I could care less about XXOOXX)
So the rest of the days in Herzo, I had this tendency of checking out cute guys, but not without first taking a quick glance at their ring finger to conduct a simple statistical survey in my head. Results aren't good. Many of these men (and not even that old) are already locked down. Shits.
Like Beyonce says,
If you liked it then should have put a ring on it.
(But what happens if I never liked any?)
Again, it's time to reconsider myself as a lesbian.

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