My place to rant & rave & bitch & moan.



This comes from the heart and soul of twenty-something year old girls, who are experiencing or have experienced the following unsexiness by unsexy men... a re-post of what I wrote back in November 2008.

Girls: if you have anything else to add...hit me. Boys: shut up. Read, absorb, learn, and memorize. Don't make the same mistakes again.

It's NOT SEXY when boys...... :
  1. don't listen
  2. don't ask questions (we like it when boys ask how we feel, but don't try to be Dr. Phil)
  3. ask too many questions (hello, r u a detective?)
  4. don't play sports
  5. are too attached
  6. are scared of the dark (ie. leave a small light on when going to bed)
  7. cannot parallel park (haha 這兩個有押韻到)
  8. watch their weight
  9. talk gangster talk (u r NOT black)
  10. walk gangster (u r NOT black)
  11. dress gangster (guess what, u r NOT black)
  12. carry a girl/girlfriend’s bag for the girl (好啦有些女生可能喜歡. 但是我們不喜歡)
  13. want their things back ASAP
  14. are too insecure to sit down and eat at a restaurant by himself
  15. are bad kissers (請調整)
  16. drink soup/beverage with their pinky up
  17. do drugs
  18. offer drugs to friends
  19. chew with their mouths open (我們不想看到你們嘴巴里吃什麼)
  20. slurp their soups
  21. are pushovers (濫好人)
  22. are late (to anything)
  23. do not know how to read a map or have no sense or direction
  24. do not put down their pride to ask for directions
  25. make the girl order at the restaurant
  26. are reckless drivers
  27. have road rage
  28. drink and drive
  29. can't make decisions (ie. where to eat, what to do) and say "隨便/無所謂"
  30. have low alcohol tolerance
  31. 逃酒
  32. do not keep their word
  33. do not sit properly
  34. do not have a sense of humor
  35. are cheap
  36. start off a sentence with "我媽說..." (ie. 不能太晚回家/吃炸的對身體不好)
  37. are too needy
  38. 很不man
  39. are desperate (奪命連環call/奪命連環約)
  40. are not street smart
  41. have less than 3 friends
  42. do not make the first moves
  43. cry about things other than death/tragedy
  44. look dirty
  45. smell like dried sweat
  46. talk about themselves too much
  47. talk about ex-girlfriends too much
  48. say they understand when they really do not
  49. look at other girls when his girlfriend is right next to him
  50. refer to their girlfriends as their "馬子"
  51. apply vulgar terms to girls (ie. bitch/slut/hoe/skank)
  52. are male sluts
  53. ask for head
  54. talk while they eat
  55. claim they are sober
  56. point out their girlfriends' flaws in a non-constructive way
  57. ask a girl for money
  58. forget to bring money on a date
  59. take more time getting ready to go out than a girl
  60. have wandering gazes during a conversation
  61. are too possessive and jealous
  62. are not animal lovers
  63. are not kid lovers
  64. rude to waiters or any service staff
  65. want the girl to do all the work in bed
  66. are shorter than the girl
  67. have long nails
  68. grow out his pinky nail
  69. complain about everything and anything
  70. cannot carry a proper conversation (we do not want to talk about video games all the time)
  71. talk non-stop (shut up!!)
  72. are not ambitious and have no goals and plans in life
  73. have high pitched voices
  74. are messy or too clean (haha 女生很難搞)
  75. do not offer their jackets when a girl says she's cold
  76. insult a girl in front of his or her friends
  77. act smart when they actually do not know shit
  78. do not offer to help with housework & chores (lazy poo!!!!!!!!!!!)
  79. do not reply to a text message
  80. are scared of watching scary movies
  81. are afraid of cockroaches or any other small insects
  82. fall asleep right after sex (girls are not blow-up dolls)
  83. do not stand up for/protect his girlfriend when there is a confrontation
  84. do not socialize with the girlfriend's friends or family (是啞巴嗎)
  85. complain that it's boring while at a party
  86. fake smoke
  87. are just plain fake
  88. hold their cigarettes like a girl
  89. 講話講到一半然後不講
  90. breathe loudly (when awake)
  91. snore loudly (when asleep)
  92. do not shower before going to bed
  93. treat life as a joke (don't try to be a class clown 24/7)
  94. purposely suck up to the girl's friends
  95. eat less than a girl (pls refer back to #8)
  96. are hard to please (ie. "no, i dont want to eat there"/"no i dont want to go on the rollercoaster")
  97. feel nauseous after any amusement park ride (including kiddy rides like teacup and spider)
  98. want to skip foreplay and go straight to intercourse
  99. complain they are poor (or fat), but do not do anything about it (if poor, go get a job. if fat, go exercise.)
  100. blink too much (this only applies to nelson yang)
  101. are picky eaters
  102. let girls walk on the outside in an alley or while crossing the street (我們不想被撞死)

1 comment:

  1. wow i just read all 102 lines. I won't tell you which one applies to me in case you start paying in Germany for #98.
